Like most engineers, I started working for local bands, pubs & night clubs. I have always been passionate about achieving the best sound for whichever band/venue I am working with. I manage the sound for various Grass Roots festivals, as well as assist at larger shows throughout the UK. I work as FOH, monitor world, patcher etc. I’m happy to use in house PA or I can provide my own, hired in from SORM Studios.

When working on film/tv productions that require PA system for playback, I can provide this via SORM Studios. This can be anything from small personal speaker setups, to festival sized speaker setups and anything in-between. I can rig this quickly and efficiently. On Everybody’s Talking about Jamie the Film, I provided all playback for the largest scenes. This included large night club scenes, as well as large scale outdoor scenes, where sound could cover for over 3000 SA’s